An obsession with our way

Dorothy Eyo
3 min readSep 29, 2021

Have you ever asked God for money and when he provided it, you were not so impressed, because it came through your dad? (true story) sibling? best friend?

You weren’t so impressed because you expected it to be more extraordinary; for example you expected something like, you are bathing, then the lather starts turning to dollar notes, so that you could say “Of a truth, the Lord has revealed Himself to His servant”…welp.

I asked God to teach me about pride a while back and as it is His character, He took me on a practical journey. I needed money but I wasn’t going to touch the money in my account. Until recently, I did not know how to touch my savings, this is something that is so difficult for me. It almost feels like the money there is not mine. But He repeatedly asked me to do so and I ignored. But ladies and gentlemen, when the hunger intensified, I grudgingly took the money and said something to God about not showing up as the scriptures said He would.

Angel Michael when he heard what I said

On my way to the market, He asked me “Why do you belittle how I have come just because it’s not how you want? This is pride. Pride is an obsession with your way”

Changed my life.

That statement has helped me evaluate so many things in my life; the times I have belittled a preacher because they didn’t look or sound the part in my head, the time my new physiotherapist looked so small and I thought she couldn’t do anything for me, but I found out that her wisdom, in depth understanding, and effectiveness is unparalleled, oh and we became buddies! (Love you Tobi :)).

…when God said I was ready for a role and I thought I was not smart or equipped enough, God says I am beautiful and I think, “um, not really”…pride is an obsession with our way, standard and ideas of how things should go or be, and the bible says God resists the proud.

Listen, to resist doesn’t mean to ignore, it means to fight against, or to be opposed to something or someone. Sis, Bruv…your tailor can be opposed to you (goodluck) or a random person on the street can be opposed to you, but for God to not be on your side? I totally do not recommend.

“…but He gives grace to the humble” haven’t you noticed how we start hearing God easily when we are surrendered to his ways? How He’s quick to assist when we say we need Him, and when we let go of our obsession to help ourselves? Pride is in subtle ways, and many times it doesn’t look like it, this is why we need to regularly ask Him to reveal places where we are not in agreement to His will.

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 16:18

What led to the fall in Eden? 1 person became obsessed with knowing good and evil and doing what God had warned the couple against. If you stretch your neck a few steps from your obsession of your will, you will see a “destruction” waiting for you; it’s going to go left. I am a breathing testimony to this.

As Derek Prince said; “Doubt leads to Disobedience” might I add, disobedience has consequences, consequences that can be redeemed…but consequences. Many times we are obsessed with God showing up in a pre conceived way due to stories of other people we have heard, but let me help you, you can celebrate a person’s story and how God came through for them while surrendering to God to customize your story; your experience. This is important, so that you do not be ungrateful when He eventually comes.

In the end our lives are not ours, it’s Jesus we live for. We do what He says, we believe what He believes, we go where He sends us. Humility is how.

I hope this helps you as it has helped me.





Dorothy Eyo

I am a writer, whether I like it or not. Read your bible, pray everyday if you want to grow.